Toto Suryo Efar, SpOT, orthopedic and traumatology specialist at Royal Progress Hospital, Sunter, North Jakarta Call Emergency Customer. SIRR - Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Menanggapi hal itu, Nicolaas C. Saat ini dr. Medicine. Kami memiliki tim dokter yang berpengalaman lebih dari 13 tahun dalam menangani keluhan seputar radang sendi, cedera otot, cedera ACL. dr. OT merupakan seorang dokter Orthopedi, dirinya dapat membantu soal gangguan kesehatan pada sistem gerak, maupun masalah di tulang dan sendi. Research registration number. Kamal E. 2015 | BY Andon Hestiantoro - Muharam natadisastra - Kanadi Sumapraja - Budi Wiweko. 002 Corpus ID: 164297843; Chronically unreduced elbow dislocation treated with box-loop ligament reconstruction: The first case series. Toto Suryo Efar, SpOT dan bekerja sama dengan Nicolaas Budhiparama, MD. Toto Suryo Efar, Sp. II | Ed. Objectives: To evaluate the frequency of patellofemoral osteoarthritis and its relevance to symptoms and function in a meniscectomy population. Orthopedic & Arthroplasty. Yogi Prabowo ,1 Achmad Fauzi Kamal,1 Evelina Kodrat ,2 Marcel Prasetyo ,3 Samuel Maruanaya ,1 and Toto Suryo Efar. Using this technique, all subjects had excellent outcome without any complication. Skripsi. DISCLAIMER : Semua data yang ditampilkan pada laman ini, adalah berasal dari pelaporan data Perguruan Tinggi (Kementerian Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi tidak. Kodrat Marcel Prasetyo Samuel Maruanaya Toto Suryo Efar. The elbow is the second most frequently dislocated major joints in adults, following the shoulder. dr. OT masih aktif berpraktik untuk. Dalam rangka. 4 • The T1 weighted coronal sections of right elbow show a well defined multilobulated lesion with fluid fluid level arising from defect in the medial aspect of proximal metadiaphyseal region of ulna. . Concomitant lateral retinacular release with double-bundle ACLR with lateral release significantly improved the Kujala score and may serve as a valuable option to overcome patellofemoral pain syndrome in ACLR. Osteosarcoma is a primary bone malignancy characterized by malignant cells of mesenchymal origin depositing immature osteoid matrix. Ludwig Andre Pontoh I. We compared single-bundle ACLR (group 1, n = 30), double-bundle ACLR (group 2, n = 30), and double-bundle. T. Published 28 May 2020. Spesialis Bedah Ortopedi dan Traumatologi RS Royal Progress berfokus pada penanganan cedera dan penyakit pada sistem muskuloskeletal tubuh, mencakup tulang, sendi, otot, dan saraf hingga cedera akibat olah raga. Toto Suryo Efar, Sp. Introduction. Toto Suryo Efar, SpOT, orthopedic and traumatology specialist at Royal Progress Hospital, Sunter, North Jakarta Call Emergency Customer Service (021) 6400-261 ProfileDr. Introduction Recent studies showed increasing evidences of anterolateral ligament (ALL) reconstruction in conjunction with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction that proves to be more. Scribd adalah situs bacaan dan penerbitan sosial terbesar di dunia. Arif Soemarjono, Sp. Show more. Hubungan Status Pasien Osteoartrtitis Genu Komorbid Diabetes Melitus dengan Perubahan Nilai Verbal Numeric Analog Scale Pasca Terapi di Poli Rehabilitasi Medik RSCM@article{Saleh2020AnUC, title={An unusual case of extensive contiguous cervicothoracic spinal tuberculosis involving fourteen damaged segments: A case report}, author={Ifran Saleh and Didik Librianto and Phedy Phedy and Toto Suryo Efar and Anissa Feby Canintika}, journal={International Journal of Surgery Case Reports}, year={2020},. Guarantor. • Approximately half of these cases involves one or two segments of cervicothoracic vertebrae. Sekarang ini dirinya dapat ditemui aktif melayani di Rumah Sakit Royal Progress. Harmani, Toto Suryo Efar, Eka Nurfitri, Bambang Tridjadja. Spesialis Bedah Ortopedi dan Traumatologi RS Royal Progress berfokus pada penanganan cedera dan penyakit pada sistem muskuloskeletal tubuh, mencakup tulang, sendi, otot, dan saraf hingga cedera akibat olah raga. 3/RW. Mean. @article{Finkbone2015BoxloopLR, title={Box-loop ligament reconstruction of the elbow for medial and lateral instability. . Perbedaan Skor Nyeri, Fleksibilitas, Kemampuan Fungsional, dan Ketebalan Ligamen Kolateral Medial Pada Pasien Osteoartritis Lutut Sebelum dan Sesudah Mendapatkan Shock Wave Therapy*Artikel ini ditulis oleh dr. MegaOne is a highly creative, modern, visually stunning and Bootstrap responsive multipurpose studio and portfolio HTML5 template with 8 ready home page demos. Bambang Sumantri tanggal 29 Juni 1990 dan pada waktu itu nama rumah sakit adalah Rumah Sakit Medika Gria (RSMG). Toto Suryo Efar, SpOT. 6, Jakarta Pusat 10430, Indonesia. blogspot. Cari Spesialis Orthopedi terbaik dan terdekat di kota Anda. , PhD. Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation in Spinal Cord Injury*Artikel ini ditulis oleh dr. Osteoarthritis (OA) often results in knee pain and significant reduction of functional ability. Pada tanggal 18 Desember 1991 diresmikan oleh Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, Bapak dr. IGD: 021- 65835876. Silakan hubungi kontak yang tertera di akhir artikel. Spesialis Bedah Ortopedi dan Traumatologi RS Royal Progress berfokus pada penanganan cedera dan penyakit pada sistem muskuloskeletal tubuh, mencakup tulang, sendi, otot, dan saraf hingga cedera akibat olah raga. RSU Bunda Citra Harapan 0 Votes Not Available. Pada tanggal 18 Desember 1991 diresmikan oleh Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, Bapak dr. Source: check_circle. NPM/ID Anggota/No. 12. To determine the association of self‐selected walking step rate with worsening of cartilage damage in the patellofemoral (PF) joint and tibiofemoral (TF) joint. Declaration of Competing Interest. 1016/j. The Existence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Microenvironment of Bone. 2020; TLDR. Ismail Hadisoebroto Dilogo; Muh. by Toto Suryo Efar Objectives Describing our initial experience of performing box-loop ligament reconstruction in patients with chronically unreduced elbow dislocation. Toto Suryo Efar, SpOT. KFR Physiatrist dr. This person is not on ResearchGate, or hasn't claimed this research yet. Academic Editor: Steven Curley. The elbow is the second most frequently dislocated major joints in adults, following the shoulder. PurposeTibial tuberosity medialisation may be followed by osteoarthritis in the long term due to increased patellofemoral contact pressure and altered knee joint kinematics. Introduction. . 7 Tips Mendekor Kamar Tidur ala Tumblr, Nyaman dan Kekinian (c) shutterstock. instagram : @dokternicolaas. dr. com (UIN: researchregistry5169). Toto Suryo Efar, SpOT , salah satu Dokter Spesialis Bedah Ortopedi & Traumatologi di RS Royal Progress, Sunter, Jakarta Utara Hubungi IGD Layanan Pelanggan (021) 6400-261 Ludwig Andre Pontoh, Ismail Hadisoebroto Dilogo, Erica Kholinne, Jessica Fiolin, Toto Suryo Efar Faculty of Medicine Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology Clinics Melihat siapa yang sama-sama Anda kenal. Along the spectrum,. 1155/2020/4807612, 2020, (1-6), (2020). amar smec Marketing and Public Relations di Klinik Spesialis Mata SMEC. Save. Relationship Between Patellar Alignment and Degree of Knee Osteoarthritis Severity. Nama Peneliti dr. Make an appointment with dr. Skripsi. Email : [email protected] IndonesiaDouble-bundle ACL reconstruction versus anatomic single-bundle ACL reconstruction combined with anterolateral ligament reconstruction: a comparative study of clinical outcomeThis is the first case series of patients with chronically unreduced elbow dislocation treated with box-loop ligament reconstruction. Traumatology, Faculty of. Introduction. Selain itu, penggantian sendi lutut secara robotik juga memberikan keuntungan. Toto Suryo Efar, Sp. Introduction. Rumah Sakit Royal Progress adalah rumah sakit swasta yang didirikan oleh Bapak Ir. Toto Suryo Efar,Sp. 05. Royal Progress Hospital Orthopedic and Traumatology Surgery Specialist focuses on treating injuries and diseases of the body's musculoskeletal system, including bones, joints, muscles, and nerves to sports injuries. | Toto Suryo Efar. , PhD. Toto Suryo Efar's 6 research works with 20 citations and 453 reads, including: The Role of Lateral Retinacular Release in Preventing Patellofemoral Malalignment in Double-Bundle Anterior Cruciate. RSU Bunda Citra Harapan 0 Votes Not Available. DOI: 10. Download full-text. Hubungan antara kesegarisan patela dengan derajat keparahan osteoartritis lutut = Relationship between patellar alignment and degree of knee osteoarthritis severity Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019. dr. Harmani, 1 Toto Suryo Efar, 1 Eka Nurfitri, 2 Bambang Tridjadja 3 1Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia , 2 SMF Anak, Rumah Sakit Fatmawati, Jakarta , 3 Divisi Endokrinologi, Departemen Ilmu Kesehatan Anak, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia-Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional. Andri MT Lubis, SpOT(K), Dr. Toto Suryo Efar, SpOT. Toto Suryo Efar, SpOT merupakan dokter spesialis Orthopedi dan Traumatologi yang bertugas di RS Hermina Podomoro, dapat menangani cedera dan penyakit pada sistem muskuloskeletal, mencakup tulang, sendi, tendon, otot, dan saraf. UI -. Ludwig AP Pontoh. Osteosarcoma arising from cortical surface is classified into parosteal, periosteal and. Terhubung Lencana profil publik Toto Sertakan profil LinkedIn ini di website lainnya. Alamat: Jl. Toto Suryo Efar. “Praktik tradisional kerap berujung pada beberapa komplikasi seperti infeksi yang mengakibatkan gangren dan sepsis, sindrom kompartemen, non union atau tulang tidak menyambung, dan malunion atau tulang menyambung tapi dalam keadaan memendek atau bengkok,” ujar dr. Suryo Efar studies Resume Writing, Ilmu Administrasi Negara, and Performance Management and Appraisal. 12. International Journal of Surgery Open 2019 |. Toto Suryo Efar Doctor Jakarta. Mengapa lutut sakit setelah jogging? Intinya, setiap latihan yang melibatkan tekukan dan pengencangan berulang pada lutut, serta latihan high impact,. Keselarasan Skor USG dan Skor MRI serta Hubungannya dengan Kadar C-Terminal Telopeptide Type II Collagen Urin Dalam Deteksi Dini Artropati Hemofilik LututHubungan Antara Kesegarisan Patela Dengan Derajat Keparahan Osteoartritis Lutut = Relationship Between Patellar Alignment and Degree of Knee Osteoarthritis Severity oleh: Toto Suryo Efar Terbitan: (2019)Toto Suryo Efar; Background: Loss of internal rotation stability is the major cause of pain after an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). Relationship Between Patellar Alignment and Degree of Knee Osteoarthritis Severity. Fisioterapi mempunyai beberapa modalitas seperti therapeutic exercise (misal neuromuscular exercise, muscle reeducation), terapi manual (seperti. 4 However, chronically unreduced elbow. Hubungan antara kesegarisan patela dengan derajat keparahan osteoartritis lutut = Relationship between patellar alignment and degree of knee osteoarthritis severity Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019. Tesis. Copy and paste a formatted citation from below or use one of the hyperlinks at the bottom to download a file for import into a bibliography manager. 3 In developed countries, most patients with elbow dislocation often seek treatment soon after initial injury; thus, the dislocation rarely persists for a long time. Adhiyatma MPH. Skripsi. *Artikel ini ditulis oleh dr. Tingkat pengetahuan ibu rumah tangga yang telah mendapatkan penyuluhan DBD mengenai pemberantasan vektor di Paseban Timur, Jakarta PusatMegaOne is a highly creative, modern, visually stunning and Bootstrap responsive multipurpose studio and portfolio HTML5 template with 8 ready home page demos. 1. Toto Suryo Efar, SpOT Bedah Ganti Dokter Hermina Podomoro Hermina Hospital Podomoro, Jalan Danau Agung 2, RT. toto andriono adalah spesialis anak di cimahi yang praktek juga di laboratorium klinik cimahi & apotek serumpun. Nomer Panggil WQ 200 A5529 2015Daftar dokter Sp. Toto Suryo Efar, SpOT, dr. Universitas Indonesia Library, LONTAR - Library Automation and Digital ArchiveIt is found that TKA with non-constrained implant on knee osteoarthrits valgus deformity provides significant result in reducing pain scale and increased clinical outome. Pada tanggal 18 Desember 1991 diresmikan oleh Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia, Bapak dr. Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature. More Filters. Rifqi Zulfikar, SpB. Masuk. Arif Soemarjono, Sp. Salemba Raya No. Free Online Library: Parosteal Osteosarcoma: A Benign-Looking Tumour, Amenable to a Variety of Surgical Reconstruction. id. 8x10. 2019. Jadwal Dokter RS Hermina Podomoro - RS Hermina Podomoro merupakan salah satu rumah sakit umum swasta tipe yang berlokasikan di Kota Jakarta Utara. Toto Suryo Efar, SpOT. Registration of research studies. Toto Suryo Efar, Sp. The Influence of Health Promotion Towards The Existence of Aedes aegypti Larvae Inside Indoor Container at West Paseban, Central Jakarta. . Ludwig Andre Pontoh, MD, Ismail Hadisoebroto Dilogo, MD, * Erica Kholinne, MD, † Jessica Fiolin, MD, * and Toto Suryo Efar, MD * Ludwig Andre Pontoh Knee Division of Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Fatmawati General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia. Mahyeti, SpRad: Senin: 11 – 14: Rabu & Jum’at: 16 – 19: Jadwal di atas bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu. 10. dr. Ambil antrian online atau konsultasi virtual dengan mudah hanya di. Toto Suryo Efar; International Journal of Surgery Open. 1111/os. Tentang Kami. Sementara itu, hanya 14 persen pasangan di Amerika yang sudah menikah dan berusia di bawah 55. 2012. Toto Suryo Efar, SpOT. Primary mediastinal germ cell tumours themselves account. *Artikel ini ditulis oleh dr. Toto Suryo Efar, SpOT. 1, 2 In fact, its incidence amounted to 20% of all articular dislocations. Berikut penjelasan dari Nicolaas C. Jessica Fiolin, MD*, Toto Suryo Efar, MD* Knee Division of Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Fatmawati General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, *Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Low-grade intramedullary and low-grade juxtacortical osteogenic sarcoma were clinically indistinguishable with identical rates of local recurrence, distant metastases, dedifferentiation, and survival. Hendy Hidayat, SpOT dan dr. Rad Radiologist dr. Medicine. instagram : @dokternicolaas. Toto Suryo Efar: 74: 1606928895: Uno Surgery Erwin: 75: 1606970612: Windi Martika: 76: 1506816903: YOGI ISMAIL GANI: 77: 1206235966 : YOSHI PRATAMA DJAJA: 78: 1406562453 : Zecky Eko Triwahyudi << 3; 4; Login Sistem Silahkan masukkan username dan password Anda untuk masuk ke dalam sistem. Mereka adalah pahlawan yang terus berjuang demi. Adhiyatma MPH. Toto Suryo Efar, SpOT merupakan dokter spesialis Orthopedi dan Traumatologi yang bertugas di RS Hermina Podomoro, dapat menangani cedera dan penyakit pada sistem muskuloskeletal, mencakup tulang, sendi, tendon, otot, dan saraf. Clinics in orthopedic surgery. We retrospectively. 1016/j. , SpOT(K) dari Nicolaas Institute of Constructive Orthopedic Research & Education Foundation for Arthroplasty & Sports Medicine. UI -. dr.